Presentations for Working Achievements
Overall Top Working Dog 2009 |
Saul & Zoe Johnson's
"Cru'Ella" - Sparkybears Two Shoes among Piratebears |
Top Water Dog 2009 |
Saul & Zoe Johnson's
"Cru'Ella" - Sparkybears Two Shoes among Piratebears |
THE JOLAKADA TROPHY for Top Draught Dog 2009 |
Saul & Zoe Johnson's
"Cru'Ella" - Sparkybears Two Shoes among Piratebears |

Members attending the 2010 AGM
President's Report
"What an exciting year it has been! First and foremost has to be the Kennel Club recognition of the Southern Newfoundland Club.
The enthusiasm of all the Members and Committee is what made this possible and I am delighted to see it is continuing to flourish more than ever and in every respect.
Newf News, currently published three times a year, is not only a professional publication but one embracing all aspects of the Newfoundland. Reporting events with excellent photo coverage, articles of interest to all and something to which everyone can contribute - this is very important as it is one of the major things that keeps the membership together and subtly encourages more to join us.
I am very pleased to see how much the Club caters for the juniors who are the handlers, breeders and, yes, judges of tomorrow.
During the year the successful events held by the SNC included a Fun Day, several Seminars covering health issues and judging, Water and Draught tests, competitions for Juniors and, of course, our very own Open Show judged by two overseas specialists from Norway.
In my experience few, if any, dog clubs offer such a wealth of diversified activities to their members and each successful event helps to increase the membership and interest in the breed.
Without the hard work of your Committee with a real "go getter" at the helm, in the person of Hedd Richards, none of this would be possible.
Welfare has done a sterling job rehoming no less than 20 Newfies and, whilst every Committee Member has put their heart and soul into building up a very successful Club, I hope you will not mind me singling out one special person who is responsible for communications which are so important to us all - Rachel Hutchinson.
I hear she managed to fit in a trip to Las Vegas during the year - sadly her luck at the tables fell short of her journalistic and other capabiliites.
Thank you all - it is a privilege to be part of such a happy club - keep up the good work!"
Pamela Cross Stern
Chairman's Report
"I was hoping that my last Chairman’s Report would have included "We’ve done it!" - referring to KC recognition of the Southern Newfoundland Club, but due to the timing of the meetings taking place at the KC, this was not possible.
Now I can! We’ve done it! We have achieved KC recognition, and in such a short time.
This meant that we were able to hold our first ever Open Show which proved to be a massive success.
The entry was impressive to say the least! The only damper was the weather which prevented some exhibitors getting to the show. Many splendid trophies were donated by members, making the display at the beginning of the day - just breathtaking!
Everything ran like clockwork and our two Norwegian judges were more than impressed.
It goes without saying that this was down to your committee and helpers but, in particular, Liz Shears who performed miracles!
As a point of interest, all the rosettes for the show were actually handmade by Liz.
Since our last AGM, the club has moved forward considerably. We have submitted our 'Judges Approval Criteria' to the KC for ratification and I hope you will see that we have tried to help up-and-coming judges as much as possible in order for them to progress with their judging career.
We hope to hear from the KC regarding our suggestions very soon.
Numerous events were held during the year, all of which were well supported and a definite success. To all those who hosted events and to those who organised and ran our seminars - a big thank you.
At last year's AGM we all agreed that the club would concentrate on one health matter as far as research is concerned, i.e. Cancer. We also stated that a booklet would be produced to publish our findings.
The team involved have done a sterling job and all the information will be available at the AGM.
A special mention must go to Jan Groves for all the work and effort she has put into this.
On a sad note, I have to report that Karen Hewson is standing down as Welfare Officer.
As I have said in the past, this is one of the most difficult roles that anyone can take on.
We are living in an ever-changing world with people’s views relating to animals, in particular dogs, varying considerably, making the task of re-homing some dogs even more difficult.
I speak on behalf of everyone when I extend a HUGE thank you to Karen on what she has done to help so many Newfies.
We, and the dogs, will miss her practical, caring and commonsense approach.
The working side of the Newfie world has not progressed as I would have hoped.
Most people who work their dogs, in particular, draught work, will be aware that no agreement was reached between all three clubs in relation to the review of draught tests regulations.
I sincerely hope that we can all work together for the benefit of all Newfoundland owners and their dogs.
I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the new members to the Working Section Sub-Committee and hope you soon get to meet them at events, etc..
Newf News is going from strength to strength, with so many articles being submitted that 'editing time' is a very hectic period for Rachel.
While on the subject of our Secretary, Rachel has had a very busy year with such a great deal to do - done, as ever, in an exemplary manner.
This coming year is going to be equally manic for her and the Club, so, on behalf of SNC - thank you, Hutch, for all your hard work in getting this Club 'up and running'.
Club funds are growing well, as can be seen by our Treasurer’s report. Rob does a first class job for the Club and his expertise in the field of finance is priceless.
As you are aware, we are involved in a number of health issues which is headed by our Health Co-ordinator, Steve Walker.
Once again, we welcome your suggestions for a topic to be researched in the coming year.
We also have a new 'project' relating to health matters which we will launch, subject to your approval, at the AGM.
I hope you will find it a forward-thinking and sensible prospect.
In closing, I would like to thank the SNC committee for their support and continued hard work. And also to our President, Mrs. Pamela Cross-Stern, for sharing her wealth of knowledge and her guidance in many Kennel Club matters.
When the Southern Newfoundland Club was set up, it was emphasised that this club would not be involved in any 'political issues' and would be there for the members and the Newfoundland.
This is something that we are very proud of and I look forward to seeing you at our AGM in order for you to air your views as to how you wish to see the club progress."
Hedd Richards
Presentations for Show Achievements
THE PRESIDENT'S TROPHY for Top Winning Newfoundland 2009 |
William & Amanda Dobbin's
Ch., Ir. Ch. Fairweathers' Knockout with Brooklynbear |
Top Winning Puppy 2009 |
Sharon Morgan's
Shalowseas Am I Bothered |
Presentations for New UK Champions
The Southern Newfoundland Club were again delighted to be able to present engraved trophies to members whose dogs had achieved the title of UK Champion in 2009.
Awards were made for the following new Champions:
Many of the pictures of the presentations appear in the gallery below and photographs of all five dogs can be found on our 2009 Champions page.
Advance Notice of the 2011 AGM
The 2011 AGM will be held at
Chieveley Village Hall
RG20 8TE
Saturday 19th March 2011