Judges Reports - Section C
"It was the first time Water Tests have been held by the SNC at Billing Aquadrome and I was delighted to be invited to judge Section C. Held the day before the Northern Newfoundland Club's Extravaganza at the same venue, the tests were very well supported by members of working groups north and south, east and west and it was great to see everyone getting involved together and enjoying and supporting each others dogs.
There were seven entrants but only two passes although one or two came close while others failed to complete one or more of the exercises, notably the C2 exercise to tow a stranger from 25 metres. There was the usual mixed bag of controlled and not so controlled swims - this exercise requires practice and works best when dog and handler are relaxed and used to regularly swimming together. In theory, once the dog has got used to the fact that it doesn't have to 'rescue' it's handler/owner, this should be one of the easier exercises but so often I see handlers approach it with trepidation (which can communicate to the dog) and a hope that it might be okay on the day rather than the confidence that this is something dog and handler do as a matter of course. I know it's not easy but try to enjoy swimming with your dogs whenever you get a chance and don't leave it for test day as an exercise to worry about.
Of the two dogs which passed, one was an experienced team and I understand this completed their Multi-Pass for Section C and the other was a very creditable first time pass for a young bitch. Congratulations to those two and for the other five teams, keep working at it and the passes will come.
My thanks to Amanda Arnold, the Test Manager, for all your hard work in ensuring the safety and smooth running of the tests, the efficient stewards and helmsman and my co-judge Kay Burridge."
Paul Dodd
"We had seven entries in this new, very busy venue, unfortunately we had only two passes, Of those that failed, there were a couple who came very close to passing - the main stumbling block for those who didn't pass seemed to be the controlled swim. I think with a little thinking 'outside the box' training for this element could be made into a fun exercise for both handler and dog. Once dog and handler become confident of swimming together I'm sure they will pass this level in the future.
Well done to the 2 teams that did pass. Thank you to the stewards, Amanda and her team and to my co-judge Paul Dodd."
Kay Burridge