Water Tests - Sections A to D

10th September 2023
St. Peter, Jersey, Channel Islands
Hosted by Friends of Jersey Big Dog Club

We tested a total of 28 teams on the Saturday and Sunday, covering Sections A to D. We were lucky with the weather over the two days and the lake was calmer than we have had for a few years.

We started with Section D on both days then on to C, A and B finally with some very good team work and lovely passes. It was a good to see young dogs doing well on their first tests and going on to pass. The JBDC is only a small club so we really appreciate all the support we are given by those coming over from the UK to enter tests, judge, steward and generally help make the event a success. Thanks to Geoff Burns and David Taylor coming over specifically to judge. Thank you, Anita and Trina for arranging the judges' lunches and hot drinks etc. and Caroline & Chris for all your help setting up etc..

Steve Pallot, Test Manager

Results and Reports - Sunday 10th September 2023

Section A

Judges: Caroline Germain & Geoff Burns
Entrants: 4 | Passes: 4
Owner Call Name Registered Name
Smith's Jive Comfortcove Pixie Dust
Smith's Jazz Comfortcove Faith And Trust
Burridge's Ellie Bagglebears Moonshine
Taylor's Bentley (Clumber Spaniel)

Rather windy conditions, but four very good passes. Thank you for the invitation to judge in Jersey and for the kind hospitality.

Caroline Germain & Geoff Burns

Section B

Judges: David Taylor & Sara Davies
Entrants: 4 | Passes: 2
Owner Call Name Registered Name
Pallot's Ninja Staneberne Wave Rider
King's Darcy Saskinbears Brown Eyed Girl

Thanks to SNC for inviting us to judge. We had four entries, two of which were strong passes in challenging conditions. The two dogs that failed need a little more work and we are sure they will pass soon.

David Taylor & Sara Davies

Section C

Judges: Steve Pallot & Jeff Burridge
Entrants: 1 | Passes: 0

Judges: Steve Pallot & Karen Thompson
Entrants: 4 | Passes: 1
Owner Call Name Registered Name
Burridge's Marta Nurburgnewf Lady Shazam at Bagglebears

The test was held in good calm weather, we had five dogs in the test with one very nice pass. The other dogs, with more practice, will go on to pass this Section.

Thank you to the SNC for asking us to judge, the Friends of JBDC for hosting the event and keeping us fed and hydrated.

Steve Pallot, Karen Thompson & Jeff Burridge

Section D

Judges: Kay Burridge & Jane King
Entrants: 1 | Passes: 0

Conditions were more favourable today, but the one entry we had, didn't want to work!

Thanks to SNC, Friends of JBDC, Steve for test managing and Anita for keeping us fed and watered.